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Ti interessa una proposta immobiliare? Contatta i nostri consulenti immobiliari a Pozza di Fassa in Streda de Meida n° 16, ti assisteranno con serietà ed efficienza.
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APARTMENT:Characteristic apartment with fine finishes dating back to the 19th century. The property, in a central area and convenient to the town's services, comprises entrance hall, living area with typical Olle stove, kitchen, double bedroom, twin bedroom, another room with private entrance and two bathrooms. The solution is also completed by an external parking space. Possibility to purchase a large cellar separately where it is possible to obtain additional parking spaces.
HOUSE:In a green and panoramic position in the town, a large solution on two levels to be restored, with an independent entrance. The house comprises on the ground floor a living area, two bedrooms, utility room, bathroom and boiler room; going up to the first floor we find the living room, a kitchenette, two further bedrooms and a second bathroom. Finally, the property has a spacious vegetable garden, where to obtain parking spaces.